What diet works best for weight loss?
Different approaches work for different people. There is no quick-fix solution to weight loss. You need to find a healthy balanced eating program that works for you and that you can maintain long-term, It is important to focus on the abundance of healthy food that is available for you to eat, instead of adhering to a very narrow restrictive diet. For many clients blood sugar balance is the key starting point when it comes to reaching optimum weight.
What is the difference between a nutritional therapist and a dietician?
A dietician usually works within the public health service. Typically a dietician will advise people with special dietary needs such as those with kidney disease, diabetes or cancer. Dieticians are regulated healthcare professionals and are qualified to treat serious medical conditions.
Nutritional therapists typically work privately with clients, although some may work for public bodies or sports organisations. A nutritional therapist generally advises on matters of health and nutrition, and formulates information for the public or employers. Nutritional therapists see each client as a unique individual – this is not a “one size fits all” approach. We support and make recommendations about healthy eating to help alleviate certain chronic medical conditions including IBS and common auto-immune conditions such as thyroiditis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Generally we do not offer dietary advice to those with acute medical conditions.
Are supplements necessary?
Ideally we should get everything we need from our food. However in today’s modern world of convenience, a lot of food has been processed and/or has had a long journey from field-to-fork so may not be as nutrient-dense as it could be. If our digestive system is compromised (e.g. low stomach acid, low digestive enzymes) then our ability to absorb nutrients from our food is reduced. Furthermore, as we get older our absorption of minerals and vitamins from food diminishes. Hence in many cases topping up with high quality supplements is recommended.
How important is exercise?
Even if you don’t care about fitness, exercise is important for health! The National Guidelines on Physical Activity for Ireland outline the recommendations for physical activity for children, young people, adults, older people and people with disabilities:
- Adults (18-64yrs) need at least 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity activity on 5 days a week, or 150 minutes a week.
- Older people need at least 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity activity on five days a week, or 150 minutes a week.
- Adults with disabilities should be as active as their ability allows. They should aim to meet the adult guidelines above.
- Children and young people (2-18 yrs) should be active at a moderate to vigorous level for at least 60 minutes every day.
How important is exercise in weight loss?
Primarily you lose weight at the table! However exercise can help improve muscle tone when you are shedding those pounds and also it is essential in helping you maintain weight loss.